Rebutting Patriarchy Theory

Crazy Evil King

As per Wikipedia[i], Patriarchy (rule by fathers) is a social system in which the male is the primary authority figure central to social organization and the central roles of political leadership, moral authority, and control of property, and where fathers hold authority over women and children. It implies the institutions of male rule and privilege, and entails female subordination.

In the recent past most of the feminists talk about their movement as against patriarchy and not against men or demonizing men. Per the definition of patriarchy there are 2 important points to it –

1)      Female Subordination

2)      Creating a social system them deliberately subordinates them with pressure.

As per the feminists we are living in a patriarchal society which means you and I deliberately, with pressure subordinate women. Now these are not women of a different country or a different sect / religion but our own family members with whom we share an intimate bond like mothers, daughters, sisters and wives. Meaning, men are ready to hurt and subordinate with pressure, the very person they love and share a bond for their own gains. We can only think of a Sociopath or a Narcissist who does like this[ii]. Read more of this post